Saturday, November 20, 2010

Steve Kvales’ Newsletter

imageSeeming repetitious in what we have to say, I pinch myself and remember that until there are no more languages out there
waiting for God’s Word written in their heart language, we will press on with the urgency to bring God’s Word to the
Bibleless.  Lest we get lost in our daily routines, we turn to the wonders of God’s Word that refreshes us as water that
quenches the thirst. Like you, we have
personal struggles we deal with on an
ongoing basis that we need to continually
bring to the feet of Jesus. And as we trust God that it is in Him
that we live and move and have our being, He continues to anoint us to do
what He calls us to do even as the enemy tries to discourage us. The enemy distracts us to worry while the light of God’s truth renews our mind
to trust and obey. There is no greater peace experienced than that
which inhabits our hearts while we remain in the center of God’s
will. In obedience, God graciously promises complete joy (John 15:11),
peace (John 14:27), life (Matthew 16:25) and rest (Matthew 11:28-29). Please pray with us for open hands around the world waiting to hold God’s Word as you see the beautiful children in the photo above privileged to do. Pray that seeds come to fruition and more people answer the call to tend the task of bringing God’s Word to the nations.

To read the entire newsletter click here.