Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Ben Jore - Tanzania

image Time continues to fly by and second semester is soon to come to a close!

We have two weeks of teaching left and one week of finals before the end of the semester. Waama will then be closed for two weeks over Easter before the start of the third and final semester of the school year.

This semester has been a good one - teaching continues to be a true joy.

Our class preparation has been quite intensive as we seek not only prepare ourselves to teach but also to prepare notes in Swahili that we can leave behind so that future teachers will be able to use our notes.

This is very labor intensive, but we trust will have a lasting benefit to Waama. Jesse and I have also been able to go on a total of 3 weekend Jesus Film trips this semester. We were especially blessed on our last trip to Labay where we showed the Jesus Film twice and shared in a seminar where we were able to give a very clear presentation of the Gospel in a very spiritually needy area. Please pray that the seeds which have been planted will bear much fruit.

Jesse and I are really excited for Easter Break. Having a couple weeks off will be really nice for both of us. I am especially excited because my fiancee, Adela, will be coming for three weeks to visit and see what I have been doing for the past three and a half years. Please pray for safety and a blessed time together. We are planning on traveling up to Uganda to visit my brother Nate and his family, as well, while Adela is here.

Thank you for praying for Froydis (the Norwegian missionary lady who recently had a stroke). At present she is back in Norway recovering. The latest reports we've heard is that her paralysis went away quite quickly and she is talking again. While her recovery is still not complete, doctors are actually recommending that she come back to Tanzania as early as May because of the boost that such a visit would be for her spirit and the positive activity it would be for her mind. We praise God for this progress and ask for your continued prayers on her behalf.

Would you also pray for Stefano? He studied first year last year and came back for second year this year. After first semester he returned home only to have his infant child pass away. As he was recovering from his loss, his wife also passed away. Needless to say he has not returned to school as he is desperately trying to take care of his 5 small children by himself. This man has planted at least 6 churches in areas where there have been virtually no Christians. The church has rallied around him and has helped him as much as they can, but he could use your prayers.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry! Your prayers, encouragement, and financial support are the only reason we are here.

May God richly bless you!
