Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paul Abels - 25 Years of Service in Brazil

Dreams Can Come True!

2010 Paul and  Becky Low ResMarch 2010 marks 25 years since we arrived in Brazil as young missionaries. We came with two little girls, a firm faith in an unfailing God, and a dream in our hearts to share Jesus and start Free Lutheran churches. In obedience and perseverance, by faith and determination and God’s grace the dream turned into the reality we reflect upon today. We thank God for using our lives and our humble efforts to preach the Gospel, to love people, and to establish Biblical churches where Brazilians worship God and encourage one another in their faith regularly. Our faith has been tested, our energies have been spent, money has been invested, and prayers have been answered.

At times it is overwhelming to reflect on all that has happened in these past 25 years. Remember with us and pray with us for:

· God’s provisions day after day for us and for our ministries. He has blessed us spiritually, emotionally. physically and financially.

· The faithful financial and prayer support of countless friends in the U.S.

· The huge responsibilities that continue in the lives of those who have come to Christ through our ministry.

· The on-going maintenance of buildings and properties entrusted to us.

· The future doors of ministry we have yet to open and walk through.

In youthful optimism no task seemed too great back in 1985. Now, 25 years later, the reality of caring for the ministries established seems very great indeed. For this reason we continue to need your prayers and support. Thank you for dreaming with us and believing that God can do the impossible!